Picture of Daniel Viñé

Daniel Viñé

Highlands de Islandia

???????? Hoy os subo una fotografía del último viaje a Islandia de hace poco mas de un mes. Aunque ya era para tarde para ello pudimos explorar las Highlands, todo el interior de la isla el cual queda intransitable en invierno. Es una auténtica pasada ver todos esos paisajes lunares.

La verdad que tuvimos muchos días de lluvia y viento pero al final pudimos sacar alguna cosa. En este caso os muestro una panorámica con el drone de esa preciosa montaña verde, los rios que la rodean y un glaciar al fondo.

Junto a Juan y Paco.

???????? Today I upload a picture of our last trip to Iceland a little more than a month ago. Although it was too late for it we were able to explore the Highlands, all the interior of the island which is impassable in winter. It is really amazing to see all those lunar landscapes.

The truth is that we had many days of rain and wind but in the end we were able to take something. In this case I show you a panoramic with the drone of that beautiful green mountain, the rivers that surround it and a glacier in the background.

Together with Juan and Paco.

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