Picture of Daniel Viñé

Daniel Viñé

White Pocket

???????? Volvemos con una fotografía del Suroeste de Estados Unidos, White Pocket, ya lo he dicho mas veces pero ese lugar fue uno de los mejores del viaje.

Esta foto corresponde al segundo amanecer, fue un amanecer tormentoso y tuvimos buena luz durante un buen rato, así que aproveché a pegar una buena batida a numerosos lugares, incluido este rincón que tenia fichado del día anterior.

Una sola toma a 12mm, aunque no lo parece estaba totalmente encajonado.

???????? A picture of the Southwest of the United States, White Pocket, I have already said it more times but that place was one of the best of the trip.

This photo corresponds to the second sunrise, it was a stormy sunrise and we had good light for a long time, so I took the opportunity to take a good look at many places, including this corner that I had recorded from the previous day.

A single shot at 12mm, although it doesn’t look like it was totally boxed in.

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