Picture of Daniel Viñé

Daniel Viñé

Observatorio Calar Alto

En nuestra visita el pasado agosto a Cabo de Gata, coincidió que todos los días teníamos luna (el calendario laboral mandaba) aunque el primer día “solamente” era del 33%, suficiente, asi que, fuimos hasta el Observatorio de Calar Alto, en apenas 45 minutos pasamos de estar al nivel del mar a estar a algo mas de 2000 metros de altitud.
Aunque se metía algo de contaminación lumínica de Almería (que por cierto, esta un poquito amplificada en el procesado) el cielo se veía estupendo y pasamos una noche genial observando el cielo y los telescopios del observatorio.
Tuve que realizar una panorámica de 4 filas para poder captar toda la tierra y el arco de la Vía Láctea.
Con esta foto os deseo un buen fin de semana a todo el mundo!!

During our visit last August to Cabo de Gata, it was agreed that every day we had the moon (the working calendar was in force) although the first day «only» was 33%, enough, so, we went to Calar Alto Observatory, in just 45 minutes we went from being at sea level to being at an altitude of more than 2000 meters.

Although some light pollution from Almeria was getting in (which, by the way, is a bit amplified in the processing) the sky looked great and we spent a great night observing the sky and the telescopes of the observatory.

I had to make a 4 row panorama to be able to capture the whole earth and the arc of the Milky Way. With this photo I wish you all a good weekend!

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