Picture of Daniel Viñé

Daniel Viñé


Hace varias semanas en una escapada exprés, tuve el lujo de ir a la montaña con Rubén Vela, me llevó a una zona increíble de León, donde disfrutamos del atardecer sin apenas nubes y un cielo espectacular.

Mi idea era fotografiar el Centro Galáctico de la Vía Láctea, que salía bien avanzada la noche, pero horas antes de que saliera, el cielo se cubrió entero incluso llovió algo.

Como la esperanza es lo último que se pierde y en la montaña todo es posible, me levanté a eso de las 5 Am a ver que se podía hacer. Efectivamente, había bastantes nubes, hice varias pruebas, pero a penas se veía el cielo, aunque si que iba viendo que cada vez abría más, seguí insistiendo y después de que acabará el crepúsculo astronómico y ya con algo de luz, pude salvar una toma, perfectamente valida, ya que estaba utilizando un tracker y realizaba exposiciones de 5 minutos.

Several weeks ago in an express getaway, I had the luxury of going to the mountains with Rubén Vela, he took me to an incredible area of León, where we enjoyed the sunset with hardly any clouds and a spectacular sky.

My idea was to photograph the Galactic Center of the Milky Way, which came out well into the night, but hours before it came out, the sky was completely covered and it even rained a little.

As hope is the last thing to be lost and in the mountains everything is possible, I got up at about 5 am to see what could be done. Indeed, there were enough clouds, I made several tests, but I could hardly see the sky, although I could see that it was opening more and more, I kept insisting and after the astronomical twilight was over and with some light, I could save a perfectly valid shot, since I was using a tracker and I was making 5 minutes exposures.

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