El fin de semana pasado, estuvimos visitando Bardenas Reales después de 9 años, fue una alegría poder reencontrarnos con amigos y fotógrafos de la zona, que conocen perfectamente el lugar, como son Martin Zalba, Jabi Sanz y Unai Laraya.
La verdad, que en solo dos días que estuvimos allí, me traje muchísimo material y descubrí unos rincones fantásticos, que sin su ayuda no hubiera visto.
Una de las tardes que estuvimos por Castildetierra, explorando la zona, pude traerme esta foto enmarcando a la famosa formación, una foto que visualice allí y me supuso dificultad realizarla y procesarla, pero que finalmente pude hacerla.
Con esta foto os deseo buen domingo a todo el mundo!!!!
Last weekend, we were visiting Bardenas Reales after 9 years, it was a joy to meet again with friends and photographers of the area, who know the place perfectly, such as Martin Zalba, Jabi Sanz and Unai Laraya.
The truth is that in only two days we were there, I brought a lot of material and discovered some fantastic corners, which without their help I would not have seen.
One of the afternoons that we were in Castildetierra, exploring the area, I was able to bring this photo framing the famous formation, a photo that I visualized there and it was difficult for me to take and process it, but finally I was able to take it.